What's wrong with cloned food?!
Answers: Sorry for multiple posts, but I got mostly childish answers. I don't have a problem with a meat, but I do know that we would consume products from the posterity of the clones. From what we have learned, clones have healthy offspring. What, other than shortened lifespans of 1st-generation clones, leads people to believe that everything we do to nature is an abomination??? What is wrong with cloned meat?
I don't have a problem with meat either. We eat beef and chicken and pork. BUT, (you knew that was coming) we buy our meat from local farmers and what we buy is grass/hay fed, chemical free, organic meat. Same with our fruits and
What's wrong with cloning? Well, first off, the fact that the test were conducted by people who have financial interest in the Bio tech industry is bothersome. That there were 6 studies, conducted by said companies. Six WHOLE studies.
There is no long term knowledge here. It's GMO's all over again. No one knows what the results will be ten years down the road. Not to us, to the eco system, or to the diversification of the livestock. We are just now getting a better understanding of what all the chemicals in our food supply is doing. More brain cancer/tumors, ADD, Alzheimer's, many cancers, nervous conditions, 10 year old girls having periods and sexually maturing before their time. This is all diet related, they know that now. All this from chemicals the FDA and the USDA said are fine! Well, we all know their track record. Frankly, I don't trust them with the health of my family. They couldn't pour pee out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel. They are a corrupt agency who, much like a street walker, will sell their favors to the highest bidder.
Name for me one thing man has done when it comes to tampering with nature that hasn't turned into a debacle? We're real good at doing stuff...but we don't consider the long term consequences. We don't plan for them. Nuclear waste ring a bell? Bringing in non-indigenous plants and animals to 'help' with a problem, only for the 'cure' to become the problem a few years down the road. Chemical waste and what to do with it? I could go on and on. So, no, I don't trust scientists when it comes to their 'better ideas' for nature.
Do I think it's playing God? Yes, I do. But, I'll let God deal with them in his own good time.
If you want to eat cloned meat, drink milk from cloned cows, go for it. I think it's pretty evident from the fact that it(cloned products) WILL NOT be labeled as such says they know people wouldn't buy it if it WAS labeled. What are they afraid of/hiding? That might be a point some wish to consider. So, if you go for this, then I think if in the future it's 'discovered' somethings terribly wrong....well, you're just out of luck. You can't say a dang word. You can't sue, you just sit there and suffer the consequences of your actions. But, hey, that's just me.
EDIT: Charles C...do you work in D.C., you could be a spin doctor. There's a world of difference between a grafted fruit tree and a cloned cow. Now if you don't know that then you need to go back to school. If you do know that, then shame on you for that flimsy deception. Grafting can occur in nature without mans help....cloneing, I think we all know that answer.
It's not natural... and just like how cell phones are now proven to give you brain tumors... it took 20 years for that to be proven... Not to mention the FDA is corrupt and doesn't care about your health whatsoever
I totally agree with Sam O. Not to mention that it's creepy.
I don't agree with these people. what we already do to our meat isn't any worse than clonning it. If I was given a choice between two peaces of meat and one was clonned I wouldn't give a crap...as long as it tastes the same. I mean come on people don't give me this "oh it's wrong!" We inject growth hormones in our cows and force feed them...along with any other animal that is consumed for food. plus I've been in a meet locker when they slaughter animals and let me tell you that is an adventure...not going to stop me from getting a good old cheeseburger though...plus you could look at clonning meat on the positive side. This could help end world hunger, because it could help eliminate the shortage of food.
Nothing wrong with it. In fact we have been eating cloned apples, oranges pears, cherries for a couple of hundred years. Just about all fruit trees are cloned.
As for animals, clones are not likely to be used directly for food for a very long time, too expensive. Clones will be used as breeding stock. Answered a similar question recently. If you have a cow that produces superior calves, say faster growing, take less feed to gain weight etc. you might consider cloning since a cow produces maybe 2 calves every 3 years. This would mean more efficient meat production and reduced consumption of resources. A good thing. Because of cost I don't see a large demand for cloning except for possible herd and flock breeding programs.