What is your favorite sour candy??!
Answers: i like all warheads, sour gummy worms, sour patch kids and anything sour
Sweet Tarts
watermelon warheads
Lemon Warheads. All warheads are the most sour. WHOA. lol
sour patch kids
sour patch kids
Sour straws!!!! All of them!
sour licorice apple flavor (with a rootbeer on the side)
Gummy worms or Jolly Ranchers
Those watermelon shaped sour patch kids... they're not that sour, but they're delicious!
sour patch kids
My favourite used to be sour plums. Unfortunately, I have been diabetic for some years now and I'm not even sure if they still make them. They were black purple in colour.
lemonheads, sour patch kids
#1 Fish Quarks!
#2 Bumblehive Melon Angles!
#3 Gumbi Petit Fours!
Sour patch kids followed by grapeheads and lemonheads. Yum thanks for reminding me of yummy candies that I haven't had in awhile!