Whats the best/most revolting thing you can dip chocolate biscuits in?!
Answers: I had a really intense revision session today and had a lot of biscuits with instant custard...then had some this evening with peanut butter but i wondered is there something more revoltingly sweet/sickly out there?
More chocolate - melt a mars bar in the microwave
Condensed milk is also very sweet and sticky
are you pregnant lol i read on here few weeks ago someone like dipping biscuits in a oxo stock cube how does that sound to you?
treacle! god i had biscuits with it once........i was so dumb i got it stuck in ma hair :(
Sweet and Sour Sauce
Maple Syrup
Whipped cream
Sour milk!!! UGH!
I love dunking my chocky bickys into hot chocolate...mmmmm!!! x
I've tried both of those - and it's yummy! I've also the treacle - which is also pretty much amazing. I would try for a fruit dip - one with cream cheese in it. Really yummy
Scrambled Egg !
Mint Sauce !
Gravy !
Parsley Sauce !
Melted Cheese
my fave is dipping kit kats in tea!! can't beat that!!
Ketchup or cheese... blah
best : tea
worst :dog poo
Try Marmite!!!!
Best : Your Mouth (aaah clever see!)
Worst : Diarrhea