What part of the turkey does pastrami come from?!
Answers: Is it turkey? I think it is. Do I want to know?
pastrami traditionally is peppered slow cooked cured beef brisket, but there is turkey pastrami and in it usally made up of both dark and white meat.
Pastrami is not turkey.
There is something called turkey-pastrami, but that's just turkey seasoned like pastrami. Pastrami is mostly beef.
Do a Google/Yahoo search for "where does pastrami come from" and that should give you some resources to answer your question.
The only pastrami that I know of is a beef based meat. It is a beef brisket seasoned and cured..
pastrami is not a cut, therefore doesnt come from a certain place. you could probably make it out of turkey , but is usually made from beef. it is meat that has been corned, then smoked. i have made it out of elk and moose!
The reason why you think it is Turkey because it is a Turkish origin. Traditional New York pastrami is made from the navel end of the brisket. There is a turkey pastrami though...Turkey pastrami is made by processing ground turkey in a fashion similar to red meat pastrami.
Pastrami is typically made from beef, It goes by the name corned beef as well. Yes there is turkey pastrami. The word pastrami relates more to the cooking method; first pickled in a salty brine solution, it is then boiled, when it is removed from the water it is then encrusted with herbs and spices and finally smoked for flavour and preservation purposes. There is also seafood versions, its also made with goeat meat, other types of poultry, venison etc...