Is this a healthy lunch?!
Bearing in mind here:
I'm 6ft 2
I weight 12st 7
I am not fat, overweight or obese.
I do not care about cholesterol levels, or calorie counting. I figure, it's my life, i'm going to eat the foods that i like to eat.
Answers: Donner meat burger with cheese mayonnaise and a white bread bun.
Bearing in mind here:
I'm 6ft 2
I weight 12st 7
I am not fat, overweight or obese.
I do not care about cholesterol levels, or calorie counting. I figure, it's my life, i'm going to eat the foods that i like to eat.
Yes eat what you like and what your body needs.
I am a meat lover too, I have meat for lunch and dinner, without it I do not feel energetic.
When you or if you cook meat, make sure that you cook it well done, thats what make meat healthy. Just my opinion.
Good luck!
if you don't care why do you ask if it is healthy
If you are in good physical shape....yes that is a healthy lunch
No, it's not healthy - but then again - if you aren't fat, and don't care, then why are you even asking this question?
Eat what you want - and good for you that you CAN!
Not really. You should at least have some fruits or veggies if they have it at your school. You weigh how much?? 127?
if its life and you are going to eat what you're going to eat then why ask if your lunch is healthy. Healthy food is healthy regardless of who you are or your body's condition. It's a pretty good lunch, at least its not junk food. White bread though is not healthy.
You can eat it though with no problems.
i dont no....most people dont know what in there food so its more then likey thats its not
If you don't care about any of the things that are healthy, then why the h e l l are you asking if your lunch is healthy? Don't waste our time and Y!A space with questions you actually don't want answers to. So no point in commenting on your meal as you don't want to know.
So go for it. Eat as unhealthy as you please. You are absolutely right. It IS your life, and your right to eat unhealthy and your right to die early. Wishing you a wonderful, happy, unhealthy short life.
(What shape a person is in has no bearing on how healthy a meal is. Foods are either healthy or they are not. That meal... in no way healthy for anyone. hopefully the asker won't see this part because he said he didn't want to know.)
no its not stop making me hungry!
brown bun
low fat mayo
block cheese not process
meat with no fillers in them
that is better for you
If you do not care about coronary artery collapse or seizure,
Why are you asking about healthy ?
Why ask about healthy and then argue you are only going to eat foods you like regardless ?
WHAT was the purpose of your question ?
No it is not healthy. Just because you are not overweight does not mean you can't get high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart decease.
what kind of a meal is that? is that a European meal or something? I am from USA, so I have no clue what the heck that is . It sounds unhealthy.
Dumbest question ever--especially considering your "Bearing in mind here" sectino. Why did you bother?
No, but still yummy!!!!
That is never healthy for anyone!