Why are brown eggs harder to crack?!
Answers: Eggs vary in thickness depending on the kind of feed the chicken gets. The egg color itself comes from the color of the chicken; white eggs come from white feathered chicken, and brown eggs come from red/brown chicken. If the brown eggs are harder to crack, they probably get more calcium-based feed or calcium enriched feed as opposed to grain-based feed. While we're at it, the color of the yolk tells you the amount of nutrients in it; the brighter and darker the yolk, the more nutrients. So watch out for pale yellow egg yolks. Also, the egg white should be more clingy than watery; egg white loses its abilit to "hold" with age.
Because they are cracky...Don't know where that came from
Gosh you're just saying that to get a rise out of us. They are no different than white eggs to crack.
the thickness of the egg shell is determined by the size of the egg....younger chickens lay smaller eggs...the color of the egg is determined by the color of the chicken...