How important is it to eat organic?!
1. Organic dairy, YES. Humans are too close to cows biologically. I think the hormones come through in the milk.
2. Organic lettuce, YES a lot of surface area for contaminants.
3. Fruit/Veg that gets pealed, NO. I think the "cooties" are on the outside.
Answers: My plan.
1. Organic dairy, YES. Humans are too close to cows biologically. I think the hormones come through in the milk.
2. Organic lettuce, YES a lot of surface area for contaminants.
3. Fruit/Veg that gets pealed, NO. I think the "cooties" are on the outside.
i think well there is less chemicals that are put into organic food and u are supporting the local farmers by buying organic produce.
A lot of "crap" is put in most foods that aren't organic...
become a healthy person...
I don't think it is that important. I think organic means that it has been grown naturally, free of chemicals, additives and the near artificial. I can understand someones obsession over it - but it can be overrated by the media and "others", just to make it a money making scheme. The balance of nature and health dictates that when one problem/illness is eradicated another arises. So "organic" foods won't cure the health problems of modern day society. Lifestyles have to be looked as, as a "whole", i.e. diet, exercise, stress levels. From what I know and have experienced though, organic foods tend to be more healthier (for the animal) and tastier for us.
It's important to me to eat organic because I care about animal welfare and I don't like the idea of eating all the antibiotics and pesticides that are used in intensive farming methods.
I'm lucky that we can afford to eat organic although (and I must be honest here) I don't think it costs any more than before we went organic because I use every last scrap of food not whereas before I would throw things out without a second thought because they were cheap.
I also think it tastes better - but that could just be psychsomatic. I don't think so though.
I think "Organic" is just a gimmick term advertised by marketing companies to make people pay more for the same food we've always been eating and make them think it's more healthier just because they label it that way. Our culture have gotten more dependant on "Labels" than what they should already know...Don't believe everything you read people :)