What colour of jujubes do you find the tastiest?!
Also, do you have a pattern for eating them? You see, my brother eats them in rainbow order. He purports that eating them sequentially in red, orange, yellow, green, black order is the best way because the black cleanses your palate before you start in on the next red.
Answers: I'm partial to green, followed in awesomeness by orange.
Also, do you have a pattern for eating them? You see, my brother eats them in rainbow order. He purports that eating them sequentially in red, orange, yellow, green, black order is the best way because the black cleanses your palate before you start in on the next red.
LOL!...Hi Donna Darko!
My favorite JuJubes (In Order)
Except fot the order, guess I'd fit right in with Your Bro!
red is the best. hands down
They all taste the same, lol!