Burnt spaghetti sauce on my 18/10 stainless pot.?!
Answers: My sauce got stuck on the center of my good cooking pot. It wasn't too hard to get off but now every time I use it the same thing happens. Can this pot be saved? No matter how low I keep the flame it always sticks, and the burn effects the flavor of my sauce.
buy a new pot
click here, have credit card ready:
Go to a hardware store and ask for a heat diffuser. It's a multi-layer metal disk designed to spread heat evenly. It shouldn't cost more than $5. Put the disk on the burner and the pot on the disk.
Doesn't your pot have a bonded layer of copper or aluminum on the bottom?
I don't think the problem is necessarily your pot, it could also be your stove. Your stove may be generating a hot spot in the center of the burner that is causing the burning.