Is anyone brave enough to try the new Chocolate Skittles?!
Answers: I saw them for the first time while standing in line at Walmart the other night. I like chocolate and I like Skittles but I don't know that mixing them is a good idea.
Yuck..they are gross
I haven't seen them yet but now I am going to have to keep an eye out for them. I am always up for trying a new candy and chocolate is a favorite. I would think they would be sort of like a tootsie roll with a hard shell on the outside.
Yes I have tried them and they are ok....Probably won't buy them again tho. I'm not a real big fan of skittles in the first place. But I decided to give them a try.
If it's new, you can bet your boots my two older grandchildren have had them. They never want to miss out on anything for snacking on.
well I have not but my best friend did and she well gave them back up from the top in about 2 Min's.(she pucked them back up)