What would be some good food substitutes/vitamins for somebody who eats barely any veges or fruit?!
Answers: I feel very run down. I have also latley gone off red meat, though I am a big meat eater. I get very tired and grumpy alot and know I need more vitaims, but am clueless on what ones I need or which foods have them.
A quick way is to get any multivitamin with added iron (iron is good if you don't eat meat.)
If you like nuts or dried fruit, that would be great help too.
I don't eat much fruit either so I try to drink juices.
If you feel run down and stopped eating things that you used to like, you should go and see you doctor just in case - he can run some blood test to find out what's up.
Maybe you have a thyroid problem or diabetes.
Vitamin C gives the body a natural boost of energy. You also need protein. Eggs, tofu, chicken, nuts, peanut butter, beans, are good sources of protein, also cheese and milk.
I suggest a good multivitamin, like Centrum or that One-a-day for specific gender...
You can start with a simple multivitamin / multimineral pills, but I would recommend trying Spirulina - you can buy it in powder (or pills) in any major health store and it contains a concentrate of antioxidants and phytochemicals that can really help you feeling more in shape. In any case, it would be good if you tried to get used to eating more fruit and vegetables, as their benefits are numerous and can't be reduced to pill size. Also try eating more pulses combined with good carbs ( ex. beans with wholemeal pasta) and good fats (like extra virgin olive oil, nuts, avocado) to get those nutrients and energy kick at the same time.
Vitamin B is your energy vitamin. Especially B12, You can supplement a good multi, or some C and E. Your body probably is tired from lack of food and water and sleep. Put all those in order and you're on your way to feeling better!!
Eat fruit and vegetables. And red meat. Green veg, and bright coloured fruit. 100% juice. Whole wheat bread. Stop eating prepackaged garbage! Shop the produce aisle, the meat section, the dairy Aisle, and the bakery. The aisles in the middle of the store are not where healthy food comes from.