What do you do with your M&Ms?!
Answers: Be creative.
stick em in my butt for safe keeping...........they may not melt in your hands, but they do melt in your butt sadly.............still taste good tho:)
eat them
um creative with m&ms??
i eat them, sorry!
Mix them w/ any other kinds, like pb, peanut, almond, plain, or mint, and eat them!!! ALL
i buy loads of packets and make mosaic faces of celebrities out of them on the floor
lol as if
i put them in my belly button then have a belly slapping contest with my friends to see how far they will fly across the room. Once, my son was able to use this method to turn off the TV.
I don't like m&ms. They're too hard to peel.
Try to put them in alphabetical order.
color sort them
i put them in cookies so they are extra delicious, and i also eat them. (like most people do) and i always sort their colors!!!! lol
Eat them?
LIck and stick, see how high you can get them,
I haven't got past 12 yet,
and nobody pinches them, I wonder why?
I put them in milk and the milk changes colors!!!!!!!
throw them around and then eat them. Nice.
i put them on my radiator till they melt ,then i put them on some crackers and have myself a m&m sandwich lol
I usually seperate them by colors. Then I eat one at a time, each a different color, and try to decide if they all taste the same. :)
eat the red ones last
uh i eat em
place m&m in ice cream
eat them
I always have them for guest that come to my house, when its holidays I have festive colors, its a new tradition I started
nibble the choco off the outside the peanut and then gobble it all up... the nut is the best bit;)
I only eat the ones that have M & M written on them. I throw away the ones with W & W on - I don't trust them!
stick em in my belly button wait til they melt, pour a bit of vodka in there n then my boyf eats the m&m/vodka mix haha.