Cant you get sick off cookie dough?!
Answers: I was just wondering if its okay to eat raw cookie dough?
yes, u can, believe me....... cuz i have.......
I never have and I love cookie dough.
It isn't a good idea to go off of me though. My immune system is boss. All my friends, including my gf, has mono and i still haven't gotten it.
Depends on the cookie dough..check for raw eggs..if so..don't do it.
if it was made from scratch and has egg in it, yes.
if it was bought from the store, no.
some people think you can get salmonella poisoning from eating the raw eggs in the dough, but if the eggs are pasteurized it should be okay.
Truthfully I work in a bakery where our baker it's this stuff everyday and I haven't seem him sick once!
Before you put the eggs in go for it. Once you put the eggs in I wouldn't eat it b/c there's a risk of salmonella. When I make it I always take out a chunk for the kids before putting in the eggs. Use organic ingredients too and you should have no worries.
Raw cookie dough has eggs in it, so it should not be left out too long, nor should it be consumed after about three or four days of refridgeration. Otherwise, you run the risk of samonella or other food poisoning.
it made me sick the first time i tried it i liked it so much but then it made me sick and for days i was throwing up. it was new we had just bought it but maybe there was something wrong with my system idk but it could be that it was expired??
It's risky since eggs can have salmonella. Most cookie recipes have eggs in them.
I've nibbled on raw cookie dough all my life (59 years) and it hasn't made me sick yet. Maybe I'm just lucky.
If there are eggs in it then yes there is a chance that you can get sick, but I don't think that there are eggs in cookie dough ice cream if you're worried about that.
I can but it takes alot to get me there
Some uncooked cookie doughs contain raw eggs. Because of this it is unwise to eat it. Also if there was Bactria present when it was prepared the sugar will help it multiply.
I never have but that doesnt mean i wont
I believe if you ate to much of it you may because of the raw egg .