Where can I buy this bag of chips (Calbee Pizza Potato Chips) online? (Pictures included in link )?!
I cannot find this chip in where I live, and I am wondering if there's a website that I can order it from?
This is my most favorite chips in the world, I used to eat it everyday when I lived in Asia, but now I can't find it in USA in where I live.
Answers: http://www.babblog.com/babblogimages/Jun...
I cannot find this chip in where I live, and I am wondering if there's a website that I can order it from?
This is my most favorite chips in the world, I used to eat it everyday when I lived in Asia, but now I can't find it in USA in where I live.
You have to buy them by the case. They are $26.33 for a case of 12 bags. Hope you enjoy
Try and Google it
The only google link about this chip mentioned the contributor found it at a store in Montreal Chinatown. You don't say where you live, but if you are near a major city with a Chinatown, or even decent Asian markets, look for it there.