Why is it not weird that we drink cow's milk?!
(even tho you might have had human's milk when you were younger, but having that when your all grown up, might gross you out)
soo why don't we get grossed out when we drink cow's milk?
Answers: What I mean is, you wouldn't think about drinking human or dog's milk or any other type of animal's milk, right?
(even tho you might have had human's milk when you were younger, but having that when your all grown up, might gross you out)
soo why don't we get grossed out when we drink cow's milk?
I guess because that is the way it has always been. Just as it's not weird eating cow meat.... but would be weird eating dog, or human... etc.
I think if our ancestors grew up eating and drinking another animals milk or meat, such as dog, it wouldn't be so weird, as we wouldn't have known any better.
Uhhhh breast milk....football players do it... plus its food, cheese is good, meat is good, it's healthy, good for bones, taste good with cookies, have you tried eating cookies with out milk, it's horrible I say!!!
humans have been milking any kind of animal they could get their paws on for many thousand years.
the list includes
water buffalo
and i am sure many others. it is only in this country that we get all hung up on what kind of animal milk comes from
I don't drink any milk. Did you know that they use sick cows and other animals for milk and food? I quit drinking milk and eatting meat. I think other people likes the taste of cow's milk.
We just don't drink cow's milk. Part of our diet has been diary for the longest time. There is nothing weird about eating ice cream is there?
I guess over the eons of drinking milk, the preference has been bovine, at least in the U.S. Try getting your hands on cow milk in Iran or eating beef in India...
It is not gross because milk provides with strong bones and teeth.
I do get grossed out by cows milk; it's nasty.
I only drink fresh clean raw goats milk.
I drink it because it's super delicious.