Why do us human's drink cow's milk?!
Answers: all mammal's produce milk. so who came up with the ideal for people to drink a cow's milk of all animals.
Because cows are easy to milk-- they have these udder-things that hang down and are terribly unattractive but terribly convenient. Also, they do drink goat-milk and llamas and yak and all sorts of weird things. I think cows also breed faster and therefore there are more to meet the demand.
I would imagine it was due to the quantity produced. People also drink goat's milk. Most other mammals produce milk in such a small quantity, it is not practical for drinking. When people started drinking milk, there were not a lot of other options, water was often unsanitary, the other options were distilled, ales, wine or liquors.
The cream separates more easily in cow's milk than in goat's milk, so it was easier to make butter out of it.
Ice cream, yogurt, butter, chocolate milk, it's all good!
I believe that a long time ago, some cows got together and put crack in it.........cause I just can't get enough, I don't care if there is pus or blood or anything in it ....... it is the best thing to drink besides water.......
I don't know. It's not even good for adults.
All mammal's milk is good, but you can't get it. Goat's milk is also very healthier drink. The soft and homegrown cow milk contains all vitamins becoz, it will eat grass and other raw sticks, oil caked water etc., The power of saving vitaminised milk is the main thing in the cows milk. Even, it wil be feeded to the new born infants too and no harm. so, such a nature it have. one thing.. the power of vitaminsed fresh milk is only for 6 to 7 hours. if you put it in fridge to cool and then heated, the power wil go. if you drink after 12 hours no power, even at the time the milk wil not be in a good condition. hence, better for health is to drink within 2 to 3 hours after milking from the cow.
wow, then we shud all go pack our stufss n move down in villages, for fresh milk!!!
come on there r ways of preservation which keep the vitamins, u must b kidding
because they have lots of calcium and it makes our bones strong and many of the foods we eat have milk
Cows milk has lots of nutrients.
They have lots of milk.
Humans can drink goats milk.
Other animal don't produce enough milk.
Goats and sheep were used for milk before cows.
They are still more popular in the rest of the world.
Cows are nasty. I only drink fresh clean raw goats milk.