Cloned meat?!
Answers: I am sure you all know by now that they are planning on selling meat produced from cloned offspring. Now I don't know about you but I am not happy. They will not be required to label the cloned meat as such either. Please share your feeling on this matter.
I am not happy either. Dolly didn't do that well being a clone herself. She didn't live that long and suffered early from old age diseases. OK, so now beside feeding us antibiotics that come through animal meat, they want to allow us to eat cloned meat..WHY???that's my question. Why are they doing this. What's happening that we need to clone animals this way. I don't like it at all and will try to avoid it completely. Who needs BSE from cloned meat.
why are you not happy? meat is meat. Cloned meat, means you're eating the same cow again and again. So what? Get your own cow and slaughter it yourself.
They aren't sure if the public will take to it. Honestly... I think they should make it available, especially in areas that don't get alot of good meat products. If people buy it and like it, then cool. If not, then they can call it quits. I don't want to try it anytime soon. I'll wait til it's been out awhile and find that it's all cool. I thought I heard that they will label it as cloned meat.
It doesn't matter if it's organic. I only eat organic meat and animal products because of the pesticides that are in non-organic foods. Cloned meat may not be non-organic so if you eat organic meat you may be able to avoid it. But I think it's just false fear, I bet there's nothing wrong with it. People are just afraid of the unknown.
terrible decision... like genetically modified fruits and veggies.... They did same thing with milk treated with a hormone called Rbst or something like that... they even made it illegal to say it DIDN'T have it... which is so lame on so many levels I cannot even begin to say... write your reps... research. write to your newspaper editor... buy organic. Trader Joe's is a great store, if available to you, that is committed to non GMO (genetically modified) and non rbst (?, I may have the acronym wrong) milk and dairy.
I hate to be the one to break it to you but without yield advancement this planet can't sustain all of the people on it and I'm not seeing many volunteers to starve. It doesn't need to be labeled any differently because it's still beef and still goes through the fda's rigorous testing and sampling. Quite frankly I will be the first to say that steak quality is at the highest peak it will ever reach I'm not going to break what's fixed.
I don't have any problem with this issue. If it's rejected in this very wealthy nation then this is a very big world with a lot of starving people that won't say no to a piece of beef.
I believe its fine. Its a bit hysterical to believe its not safe. Its like saying identical twins are not the same.
A clone is essentially a identical twin, no different.
But I digress, A cloned cow costs 20,000 ish from what I read in a paper. Its silly to think a retailer will be carrying anything cloned ever thats will be reasonably priced.
Bull SHlT! They are not cloning animals at that kind of rate yet! Cloning is done in science laboritories for the sole purpose of creating healthier species of animal. Farmers raise animals for consumption the natural way. Sex and birth, feed and fatten, buy and sell. I get so sick of you people who hear a rumor and think it's the absolute truth. PETA would have you believe that cloning animals is harmful to animals yet most PETA supporters are also in support of stem cell research for the cure of cancer. Make up your crazy minds. Is it okay for humans but not sheep and cattle? IDIOTS!!!!!
i'm sure it'll be the same...genetically identical to its' it's still meat...and just think...anything bad in the meat would probably be destroyed once you cook stop worrying. However the whole story sounds kind of unlikely.
I agree and am worried too. I am hoping that the cloned meat will not cause problems in the future. I wonder if in the end the clones may not breed some new disaster. We all know that science has made its blunders. Look at the mad cow disease and also E.coli due to all the antibiaotics which they have caused. I suppose time will tell but it sure gives you something to think about.
Most of the produce in the US is genetically engineered. Our food sources have been prone to this type of tampering for a long time. Hormones, anti-biotic use in cattle, pesticides, mad cow disease; just to name a few.
Companies that sell products only do so because people are willing to buy these items. If enough people stand together and let their voices be heard, then that will send a message to the meat producers in this country. Stop buying their products.