What time do you eat supper at?!
Answers: it depends on the season.i eat when the sun is starting to set
between 5pm-6pm
Around 8 in the night.
I eat supper at 6,7, or 8. It depends on the day.
I eat "dinner" around 6-7 PM.
Between 7:30 and 8:30.
My mom works out of town so it takes her 45 minutes to drive to and from work every day. She will get home at 5:30 on an early day, but 6:30 is the average time she gets home.
It's never a regular time. It could be as early as 6:00 pm or as late at 9:00 pm. We are quite flexible.
About 5 or 6.
i eat at around 6
Whenever I can get around to it
Any time after 5 No later then 7
around 6pm are whenever my stomach starts growling.
3 am
I love that you call it supper! I grew up referring to the evening meal as 'supper' because most people (where I grew up) use the term 'dinner' to refer to the noontime meal. Now I live in an urban area where 'dinner' is the evening meal. It must be a rural, farm thing. I love it! Anyway I eat supper between 6:00 and 7:00Pm, probably later in the summertime because the days are longer.
at 7,8,or 9... I get to choose.!!!!
around 7-8
Around 6:30pm-7:00pm.
Being a diabetic I eat no less than 4 hours and no more than 5 hours between meals,so, I eat about 5 -5:30.
I can eat supper at 6 or at 8 or at 9, it is whenever we really get hungry enough!!
around midnight usually. odd i know, it works with my schedule though.
6:30-7:30. I eat late.