What is the best beverage to drink to cool down your tongue after eating something spicy?!
Answers: Please give some specifics and any order from best to worst if any.
MythBusters tested this with about 8 different drinks and foods. Milk was the best for sure. Bread worked well for foods, but the best food that did the trick was creamy peanut butter. Even though it has peanut oil in it, the consistency of the peanut butter diluted a lot of the spices and brought them away from the tongue.
try to have some table spoon of sugar misxed in the cold ice water and drink it, as thsi will cool down your tongue..
my experience is that water is the WORST
a sweet milky drink like a lassi is the best
that is why lassis are consumed so much in places like India - they cool down the spiciness
but simple lemonade is pretty good too
milk, milk products
DON'T drink soda it makes it A LOT worse
For the burn of Jalepeno peppers, I have always felt milk seemed to cool it the best. Water is the worst, it just spreads the oil around to other parts of your mouth that weren't burning before.
Milk is the best thing to drink to cool down your tongue after eating something hot and spicy! Drinking water will only make the burning sensation even hotter.
Eating a slice of bread will also help ease the spiciness of foods too!
anything with milk
and if you dont have milk
sugar :}
The reason water does not work well is because spices are often tied to oils, which cannot be washed away by water...milk works, so does sponging bread on your tongue.
Milk... then juice... then water... water just moves the spices around, doesnt cover them up
Beer( Bud Light)
2. cucumber drinks
1. yogurt drinks
I recommend plain old water
When I eat something spicy, I need to drink a cold bottle water and drink it as soon as you can to eliminate the hot taste.
well if you saw mythbusters...
1. milk <<<<
2.water<<...doesnt help much though
3. dont listen to people who telll youeating something spicier to cancell out the spicy feeling... it just makes it worse