What is your tea pot made from?!
Answers: I was asked yesterday if I had a china tea pot. Dont believe I ever had but I do have China cups and saucers.
I have a porcelain Alice in Wonderland teapot that was a present. I love it. I'ts one of my favourite things. exactly like the one on the link.
i have a pot one with barbie on the side! well its my four year old daughters but thats the only teapot in my house!!!
Well, my friend made me a tea pot out of clay.
the skin of a rabbit
thin air lol
same as breakfast and lunch and supper pot, cannabis????????????
I have 2 teapots. One is Bone China and the other is Porcelain.
I also have a musical one that I don't put tea into. It's Mrs. Potts from the Disney movie (Angela Lansbury).
I have a bone china one and a "pot" or clay one
the pot one is for every day, keeps the tea warmer longer, the china one is for select times
porceline, its a blue willow teapot made in england
I also have a new pair of shoes
..Boy am i happy...?
I have a china and ceramic type tea pot,but have to confess, I never use them,I do it the lazy way,tea bag in the mug,silly really,as you do get a better cup of tea in the pot
I don't think I've ever had a tea pot. I've drank only coffee since I was a teenager (a long time!). You can't beat dipping a warm butter croissant into a nice cup of hot coffee!
I own a china tea pot and a tin aluminium one.
I have several and they are all ceramic or china of some sort, whether porcelain or regular china.
my teapot is made from clay earthware
Well I don't have a teapot myself but I do have a friend thats collecting them. She has one that looks like a bee hive, one that is in the shape of a flower, one that is a teddy bear on ice skates, one that is clear, a chine one that was painted by hand, and MY FAVORITE the one that looks like me and her standing next to each with New York in the background. She had that one made speacial and its like our symbol of friendship, I had one at my house but it might over here so there both at her house. Its REALLY REALLY AWSOME!!! They look just like us. There's more lots more but thats all I can think of right-off-the-back.