What exactly IS a fluffy ruff?!
Answers: My son has asked me for "fluffy ruffs" as part of his birthday treat. I've been scouring the webb trying to find out what this means. I think it's a teen thing.
Why not ask your son what they are? I've never heard that term, other than to describe the "ruff" of fur around an animals neck.
i've looked all over also and can't come up with what that is....you are gonna just have to ask him, maybe it's his own nickname for something? maybe he was making a joke and it's a drink? i dunno....good luck!
oh yeah, i just looked at your questions too.....ugh
Why don't you just ask your son?
Never mind, I just looked at your profile and other questions you've asked. Sigh.................
OK, let's get this straight. You have a son yet you are on YA asking for help with your math homework and you are asking how to get into YALE and if a million dollars will cover tuition. And THIS question is serious. Yeah, ya know the saying you can fool some of the people some of time.........................
By the way, I'm sure we can find the definition in the Urban Slang Dictionary
why exactly do you ask stupid questions? are you really that boerd out of your mind??
Fluffy ruff is sexual slang for parents making out. I would ground him.