What is the difference between Vanilla extract and white Vanilla powder?!
Answers: Have you ever seen white Vanilla powder? As of recently I never have. But, I went into a DIY shop for food and restaurant suppliers, and asked for Vanilla extract, and she brought me a vial of white powder that says 'Vanilla powder'... I wonder if it is authentic or synthetic Vanilla. I tested it though an it hasd a lovely aroma and lovely lingering taste as well. Does anyone know what that stuff is...?
It depends on the manufacturer what the contents of the powder packet it. Some Vanilla Powder is produced by grinding whole dried vanilla beans until powdery. Others are made from a concentrated vanilla extract mixed with another ingredient, typically starch or sugar, or malodextrin.
The advantage to vanilla powder is it can be added to warm liquids and the vanilla flavor will not evaporate as it does with extracts. It may be used in place of extracts in baking or cooking (one teaspoon of powder equals one teaspoon extract), or just sprinkled on top of French toast, cakes or other foods. While you can be totally confident that the Vanilla powder you purchase from Frontier is of genuine quality, you should be aware that some vanilla powders are synthetic. Check the ingredients to make sure that the product comes from a natural source.
To maintain freshness, Vanilla Powder should be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry area. Keep it away from sun and heat.
vanilla extract is a liquid and vanilla powder is probably a powder.