Rice steaming question...?!
Answers: I'd like to steam some rice (calrose) without having to add the water directly to the rice itself, like one of the cheaper rice-cookers/pot of water. Do you get a good, thoroughly cooked product with the boiling water offset from the rice itself, like a steaming basket over boiling water? It seems like it would be easy enough, and easier to clean to boot.
Get a rice cooker, they work great. Perfect rice everytime.
I got this one at target, great price. Its fantastic, just rince the rice to make sure doesn't stick.
no water must be added to the rice, a steamer wont work
get a food steamer it has a rice bowl for your rice and you put the water under it it takes a little longer to cook but you never put water in it you can get one at walmart i have one and i use it a lot