Do you have any weird food combinations that you enjoy?!
Answers: I like spaghetti bols and chips.
well i was pregnant once, sadly lost my baby, but i had a weird craving marmitewith mint toothpaste sandwiches yes i can vision your face your pulling and saying yukky yukky.
Chili with Miracle Whip.
I like Pizza and gravy yum yum n also pizza n parsley sauce its nice honest
Dairylea and crab sticks on cracker bread.
I love potato chip and sliced onion sandwiches with mayonnaise. And, no, I've never ordered one in a restaurant...but that could be interesting. LOL
Jam and cheese sandwiches. Yummy!
I like corn chips and and a butterfinger together.
I like a grilled steak with pork-n-beans and rice.
Mmmmmm, hot fudge sandwiches!!
Spaghetti and meat sauce with cinnamon rolls!
Oreo's and beer!
I have lots, but the one that most people are grossed out by is
Poached eggs on toast with vegemite and sour cream.
cheese with strawberry jam sarnies-- or on toast-- yummie :o)
Chocolate digestives and HP sauce
i like boiled potato's when they are cold
spread on buttered bread , and with salt on top
my girlfriend cannot even watch me eat it she thinks its disgusting
all the best
Chips and tomatoe soup with black pepper and butter!
Haslet and beans
Beans, cheese, cauliflower mashed together
i dip a ripe banana to sauce or gravy. it's really good. i'm filipino and we have what we call adobo... the sauce is really good and i dip in a ripe banana. i know it's weird but it's really good. my palate says so.
Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwiches
skips crisp with chocolate ice cream sauce on then mmmmmn
Tuna with ketchap and mayonnaise mashed up
Chocolate and crisps
Peanut butter and jam without any bread
Cornflakes and chocolate sauce
Banana+soy milk+honey+vanilla flavoring mixed into a smoothie and then eaten with cookies! Yum.:)
soft cheese (phildelphia) and tomato sauce: toast and salad cream ( not mayonnaise) with anchovy paste
avacado and sardine sandwich
albacore tuna in olive oil,drained and added to chopped capers,french style mayo and grated cheese.heap it all onto a slice of toasted ciabatta and then stuff it under the grill until the cheese melts!!! a nice alternative is to mix the tuna through with some coleslaw and then add ingredients as above.weird? yes.delicious? absolutely!!!
peanut butter and pickle sandwiches
I also like jam and cheese sandwiches!
This is gonna sound weird but I like
1) apples in onion dip (only sometimes)
2) raisins in cream cheese
3) apples with hot sauce or in salads
4) hot sauce with potatoes or eggs
5) hot sauce with soup and chili
I like to have a lot of flavor in my food so I eat wacky things!
Chips and gravy.
I love salad cream and find it goes with most savoury things. Our local chippies (before you say it, yes I'm Scottish!) sells a half pizza supper and you can have it with or without batter. They get a 12" cheese and tomato pizza, half it then dip it in batter and deep fry it - gorgeous! Then they pile in the chips and you're away....................Oh, not forgetting you have to ask for 'everything' on it - salt, vinegar and lashings of brown sauce................And it only costs £2.30!! Cheap, kindy weird but helluva yummy!
Pot Noodle sarnies.
Bologna sandwich with miracle whip and crushed frito corn chips on top,yummy! ;-)
tuna with vinegar and salad cream.
your idea actually sounds really nice mmmmmm.....
I love left over roast beef with cheese and HP sauce sandwich
pork-n-beans and dill pickles