Is organic that much better?!
Answers: Organic fruit and veg, is it really that much better for you than the un-organic? I find it annoying that people go on about organic food and how much better it is bla bla bla but still smoke and drink alcohol, coz that aint good for you at all!!!!!
You can taste the difference - that should be a clue. Also, people who go down the organic route usually care about the welfare of the animals.
it just makes them feel better but no driffence
Organic food IS the best, has no chemicals in it...normal fruit and veg is full of pesticide and other evil things...meat thast is not organic is full of growth hormones...I wouldnt feed that to my kids.
well i think organic food is almost the same thing as the other stuff and pple do make big a deal about it and dam it cost alot of money its much more expensive then the other veg and fruit
I buy an organic box of veg from a local farm every week. It does taste better but that is due to the strain selection of the veg. A lot of fruit and veg grown commercially is selected on how much weight you get in the crop and its appeatance. I eat stuff I normally don't like because I'm getting the real taste.
Organic is about land use as much as it is about food. I support the aims of organic farmers and I'm pleased to eat food without pesticides.
Yes, if you want to improve your health don't smoke and watch your drinking. BUT if you don't why not up your chances by eating organic food?
Organic stuff is a middle class fad
Its not sustainable on a global scale
It does not taste better
It is not better for the land
In the same way that the FIBRE fad of the 80s just meant that cereal manufacturers could leave the husks on ( adding weight and money ) organic means you dont havr to use 'chemicals' you can use animal **** or even buy the waste blood and guts from an abatoire ( a toxic waste under EU rules) and spread that on your feilds as a natural fertiliser !
ORGANIC is a middle class fashionable con
What they are really saying is we have spare cash to buy food that aint injection moulded offal rolled in breadcumbs and deep fried ( aka McDess, KFC)....
No we can eat a duck breast fed on organic ****
It tastes good to these people because poor people cant get it
OH the irony eh !
I have only tried organic carrots, but could really taste the difference. Now going to try other fruit and veg just to see if they are as good.
you mean you know some people who preach about the goodness of an organic diet, but smoke and drink alcohol? How ignorantly unbalanced of them. I guess they figure they ARE being balanced - that the organic food counteracts the other harmful chemicals they are putting into their bodies.
Organic is better - the less chemicals you are exposed to, the better your health. It tastes better too. It is more expensive, but that is changing. In the meantime, I try to think how I'm saving long-term money on medications and doctor bills by keeping my body healthy naturally.
[Edit: note to Paul W: Not really. That sounds like you just made it up, or read some poorly written propaganda.]
It tastes better, definitely, but doesn't always look better. The chemicals in pesticides and fertilisers get rid of bugs and pests and help the food grow bigger, but home-grown fruit and veg seem to have more flavour, and certainly give you a sense of satisfaction.
Alcohol? Yes please. Red wine (one glass a day) is supposed to be good for you, too, and I live near to a vineyard that grows its grapes organically.
Smoking - no no no; Even if anyone decides to grow organic tobacco!
The word "organic" may appear on packages of meat, cartons of milk or eggs, cheese and other single-ingredient foods. Certified organic requires the rejection of synthetic agrochemical, irradiation and genetically engineered foods or ingredients. Literally, of course, the term is a redundancy: all food is composed of organic chemicals (complex chemicals containing carbon). Any materials used in the production or processing of organic food must be proven safe. Awareness is growing about the value of organic foods. But, whether organic chicken or pesticide-free lettuce represents "healthier" alternatives has long been a subject for debate.
Its expensive but I don't think its necessarily better. I can't afford organic fruit and veg so we just eat the "normal" stuff and we're all OK. My son is just fine, health wise.
I have done a lot of research on this subject. Here is a great article with lots of information.Organic is sooooo much better for you and our planet.