Why do TV chefs keep on saying "This is the healthy option" when they're frying something in butter?!
I prefer to use herbs and spices to get food to taste great and a never add salt, there is no need. If I have to fry anything I use a little olive oil, and for sauces just a tiny amount of butter.
They prefer to add stacks of salt and butter to almost everything. I assumed that it was because the shiny food looked good on camera.
Answers: I agree with what you are saying. I do a lot of cooking myself and am appalled at how much butter they add to everything.
I prefer to use herbs and spices to get food to taste great and a never add salt, there is no need. If I have to fry anything I use a little olive oil, and for sauces just a tiny amount of butter.
They prefer to add stacks of salt and butter to almost everything. I assumed that it was because the shiny food looked good on camera.
Do they?
Because butter is not unhealthy. Eating a stick of it rolled in brown sugar might be, but a tablespoon of butter? Please.
coz they aint using lard
....and then they chuck salt over everything too.
(They don't give you the option of adding it, or not, yourself).
But then, they know best.
Butter is a healthy substitue for cooking when compated to most oils and lard. Butter also adds a little more of a natural flavor when cooking.
Moderate use of butter is fine
Whacky low-fat alternatives are yet to be proven to be safe..even if they never taste great !
I worry about the trend for tv chefs becoming the new rock and roll celebrity..they're just cooks !
If a citezen cant buy food take it home and prepare it without a step by step guide from a celebrity what does that say about us.
Celebrity chefs have already been prostituted to pedal supermarket wares (Jamie and Sainsbury's)
What's next....
Medical advice from my dustbin man !
most chefs use clarified butter and its purer than oil etc!
I think they are trying out the power of suggestion!.......
because butter is a natural product rather than a manufactured oil. an excess of any fat, even natural ones is not healthy tho. if u notice as well they use what i thought was a lot of salt, bearing in mind they are trying to get u to reduce salt intake. however they claim its necessary to bring out the flavour and antony worral thompson recently said that the salt that is the problem is what is in packaged foods and ready meals.
Butter is better than most oils and is far more better than lard, can get all kinds of healthy butter now with omega 3 nd all kinds.
they say this because,chef's tend to use clarified butter,and also olive oil is good.
its all in the amount that is being used.also they let the food sweat,so its cooking in its own juices aswell as the butter,which will break down.
How many years did the doctors tell us to use margarine instead, until they revealed that it is a slow poison.
I think it's called comic relief.