Is Organic Soy, like Soy Milk, really BAD?!
Answers: I heard that soy protein, organic/not, causes fatigueness, hair loss, & messes up the hormones..
Organic soy is good!
What you have heard is true in many ways and more!
Try these sites:
I don't know but I drink Silk chocolate soy milk everyday and it's delicious!
Who the hell said that? Soy is great against cancer, has high protein and some other stuff. but what you said is not true.
soy milk is good for you
Not true. Soy milk is much better for you than cow milk. It has less calories, its easier to digest and has more minerals that your body can use.
I have not heard about the negatives you mentioned being associated with Soy milk. Do you have any sources for that? I would be interested to read them because I often drink soy milk.
Some soy milk is nasty. I prefer the Soysense brand vanilla soymilk and the Silk Chocolate.
ive been drinking soy milk since i was little, and so far i have all my hair, blahblahblah. DEF not true! maybe check it out online, but its actually really good for you! however, if you were to have just soy or whatever, you may lose hair because youre missing a certain vitamin....but that would happen with any food.
Its really not that bad for you.
People in the east have been eating soy for thousands and thousands of years. They're all fine.
As long as you're not chugging down cartons a day, you're good to go. Its delicious and good for you.
The effects.....slightly slower and don't glow so much in the dark
Here's a link about soy negatives:
Women who have had breast cancer may want to limit their intake of soy protein, as some studies have pointed to possible harm from consuming excess soy in this group.
Besides that, most the more scaremongering stuff about the "toxicity" of soya is propaganda spread by the dairy industry - surprise, surprise.
Organic or not, Soymilk may actually help some people reduce their risk for heart disease. Soy naturally contains isoflavones, plant chemicals that help lower LDL ("bad" cholesterol) if taken as part of a "heart healthy" eating plan.
Another thing about soy is that is consummed in vast quantities by the japanese, who have the world highest life expectancies.
All in all, what you choose to drink is really a matter of personal preference and your health objectives.
If you still feel anxious about drinking soy then there are still various other milk alternatives:
-Rice milk (such as “Rice Dream”)
- Nut milks like almond milk (“Ecomil”)
- Oat milk (“Oatly”)
- Quinoa milk (“Ecomil”)
- Coconut milk (“Biona”, “Blue Dragon”)
- Hemp milk (“Living Harvest”)
'Rice Dream' is available at supermarkets but you may have to look in Health Food Shops for the other alternatives. Try Holland & Barretts, or shop online at Goodness Direct.
You could also try making your own milk at home if you wanted. Here are some recipes: