The sound of people eating cereal.....?!
Answers: is so annoying. It combines the worst of all eating sounds. The slurping of the milk and the crunching of the cereal. And also the sound of people crunching on ice. Also people eating lollipops with the sound of the sucking and the banging against their molars. what other sounds am I forgetting.
People that crunch on junk food in the movie theater. The rolling back and forth of those chocolate covered raisins in the box, just drive me crazy.
Popping gum really annoys me!
my brothers voice...crunchy chips..crunchy candy...all that chomp chomp chomp >.<
I just hate it when people smack their gum!!! The worst is when someone you are eating with cant keep their mouth closed while eating! I mean we dont want to see it so why cant they just keep their mouth closed?!!! Ewwww!lol
I'm very sorry you are so easily annoyed. I can't imagine what sounds you are forgetting. Perhaps they weren't very important either.
My biggest pet peeve is when my mom used to slurp the juice of the orange she was eating. Drove me nuts.... now if I see an orange in her had I just dissapear for a while until I know the show is over.