I just read here that you can cook eggs in the kettle?!
If so, how long do you do them for ???
I dont know why I am interested - I dont like eggs!
Answers: Is this true?
If so, how long do you do them for ???
I dont know why I am interested - I dont like eggs!
You could cook eggs in the kettle. That is, if you want tiny fragments of boiled chicken sh*t to be floating around your kettle afterwards, the same kettle that you MAKE TEA WITH!
I am very fond of eggs but I wouldn't do it.
you can also fry them!
You can. You can also cook soup, coffee, porridge and carrots. Obviously not at the same time. Eggs take between 5 and 6 boils for softboiled.
did you hear the joke about the two eggs? two bad....
Yes you can cook them in kettles - takes about two boils of the kettle depending on the type (between 4-6 mins)
put them in and bring to boil ,leave for 6 mins and perfect, eggciting eh, and eggactly the right way lol
I don't see why not? I mean it's still boiling water right?
The only issue would be the hardness of the eggs and whether they might crack prematurely.
If you are going to try it, pierce each end of the shell with a pinprick, before placing in the kettle.
I just read that an ashram in India has found a new recipe for eggs. It's called OM-lette.
Yes, it is true. I've met people who boil eggs in their kettle. I never asked how long it takes. I like to use a pan myself and it takes 4 minutes for a soft boil and 5 minutes or more for hard boil when boiled in a pan of water.
i dont u can dodat y dont u try it?xx