Unprocessed foods vs processed foods?!
Answers: please i need help anything about this subject is fine
Unprocessed foods are much more healthy than processed foods. Unprocessed foods are those that you can typically pick or pull such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains etc. They are in their raw form although you can cook them. For example, have you ever tried baked tomatoes? Slice them in half and put the cut side up on a baking tray, season with garlic salt and basil. YUMMY!!!
Examples of processed foods are Hostess Ding Dongs, most hamburger buns etc.
anything processed are usually things made in a factory on a production line: Doritos, Twinkies, etc.
unprocessed foods are natural foods like fruit and vegetables
Processed foods are usually not very healthy - too much sugar, salt, fat, nitrates, and other assorted chemicals.