Can someone explain to me the vegan/vegetarian logic of not eating animals?!
-An overwhelming majority (>95%) of the worlds populations are not vegan/vegetarian.
-History's prophets/notable people freely indulged on meat, including Isaiah, Elisha, Elijah, Abraham, Aaron, Jacob, Muhammad, David, etc, etc (countless! I could go on and on!)
-The Son of the Most High God, Christ, ate and feasted on meat, and gave many parables of meat as a pleasure for humans...i.e, "killing the fatted calf", etc
-God himself condones the consumption of meat in many references. He created it!!!
-Highly educated people of the world eat meat, including movie actors, presidents, Kings, Queens, professors, including professors of zoology, professors of biology, professors of medicine (treaters of humanity)
-Religious figures also eat meat in drastic majorities. I have yet to meet a priest, a sheik, a rabbi, who is a vegan/vegetarian...including all of our Popes
-To say u personally don't like meat is OK, but its not inhumane
Answers: -Humanity has been eating meat since the beginning of times.
-An overwhelming majority (>95%) of the worlds populations are not vegan/vegetarian.
-History's prophets/notable people freely indulged on meat, including Isaiah, Elisha, Elijah, Abraham, Aaron, Jacob, Muhammad, David, etc, etc (countless! I could go on and on!)
-The Son of the Most High God, Christ, ate and feasted on meat, and gave many parables of meat as a pleasure for humans...i.e, "killing the fatted calf", etc
-God himself condones the consumption of meat in many references. He created it!!!
-Highly educated people of the world eat meat, including movie actors, presidents, Kings, Queens, professors, including professors of zoology, professors of biology, professors of medicine (treaters of humanity)
-Religious figures also eat meat in drastic majorities. I have yet to meet a priest, a sheik, a rabbi, who is a vegan/vegetarian...including all of our Popes
-To say u personally don't like meat is OK, but its not inhumane
1. Humanity has been going to war, murdering, raping, plundering, committing every immoral act imaginable since the beginning of time. Point 1 is invalid.
2. "But mom, all the other kids were doing _____" "So that makes it right?" Point 2 is invalid.
3. Vegetarians are not necessarily christian, so points 3, 4, and 5 are invalid.
4. Highly educated people do stupid things every day. Read the news. Point 6 is invalid
5. I wouldn't base my morality on the behaviour of past Popes, and you shouldn't either unless you want to land yourself in jail. Point 7 is invalid.
6. What is humane and what is not depends on the reasoning you follow. Your reasoning seems to go something like "Everyone else does it, inclusing people I look up to, the holy book I follow says it's okay, so that makes it right" whereas vegan logic would be more like "Animals can think and feel, form relationships, raise families, and suffer, so killing them is similar to killing humans and is wrong".
vegans believe it is bad for your health personally im a friggin carnivore
vegetables taste great thats all you need to know.
Meat eating can cause health problems. In America, we eat TOO MUCH meat. Protein is found in vegetable sources as well as meat. By limiting their meat intake, people can become healthier. Studies have shown that by eating a low-fat vegetarian diet, people with heart disease can be cured. Gout, diabetes and colon cancer are other diseases that are caused by over-consumption of meat.
I'm not saying that meat eating is bad, but being vegan and vegetarian isn't bad either. Maybe you're just too judgmental.
I 've found that plant protein is easier to digest. I feel much better not eating meat.
actually, when humans first started out, you only got meat off your dead buddy. We were to weak to hunt. My friend is a vegetarian and her family ate meat till she was three. Then they decided it was cruel. Never made sense to me either. Here how it made sense to me. Try looking a calf in the eye and chewing a hamburger at the same time. Some people have a more....nurturing nature? That makes them think all animals are cute. Think of something cute. Do you want to eat it?
logic: just the thought makes me wanna vomit right now.
I am not a total vegy, I am an pesco?? I think they call it that,,???
but as far as everything else..
my gag response is just that.. my mind/stomach connection knows no logic... just the sight gives me unwanted thoughts of cows heads getting cut off alive.. crying in pain.
fear full thoughts bombarding me of half of all Americans in hospitals dying of mad cow. Because of my farm experience smelling the pigs and chickens while they play in their feces, and I can personally smell it when it's being cooked in a pan. and catfish will never touch my lips, total gag...(do you know what they eat??) I am not saying believe my thoughts I am sharing my anxiety ridden thoughts.I am not desensitized completely, I know anything dead was once living..I am a more peaceful person this way, it's best for me.
I think that eating meat is normal and natural.
But I DO NOT agree with the way they are treated and the factory farm conditions. I think its ridiculous and disgusting the way we are treating animals. And the way they are treated IS inhumane.
There are different types of vegetarians/vegans.
Some are "I dont want to support the animal cruelty"
and some are "I dont want to eat anything with a face"
Im the first one.
But both are fine, and both are choices made by the induvidual. If they dont want to eat meat, then who are we to tell them that they should and that they are stupid for their decisions? If you really believe the decision is THAT stupid to make, why does it bother you? THEY'RE the one who will "suffer".
Its our right to choose what goes in our body.
Mankind is carnivorous. I don't know why people are now vegetarians/vegans, organic and now we hear about folk who will not eat cloned meat. Well, they simply are not aware they have been eating cloned fruits and vegetables for the past thousands of years.
These people have never known hunger, starvation or even war in their backyard. Hundreds of thousands of people are starving to death now with no hope of relief and here we are very rich and selfishly doing our own thing. I'm not just speaking of Africa and current war torn zones. Europe has suffered and China and Japan. We are very lucky. (Doesn't anyone remember the American Revolution or the Civil War?)
Interesting to note that this afternoon, my 'home page' news flash posted a withdrawal from a major baby food manufacturer of 4 types (in jars) of infant Organic foods with expiry dates in mid 2008 because they were rancid. There blows the theory if it's organic it must be good.
I respect your right to your religious belief. However, as an athiest, it is not a very good argument for your premise.
Some people dont like to eat anything with a face... Some people have a big heart. I on the other had feel that is why they are here so why not.
From the Baha'i Faith writings:
Say: O concourse of priests and monks! Eat ye of that which God hath made lawful unto you and do not shun meat. God hath, as a token of His grace, granted you leave to partake thereof save during a brief period (the annual fast).
(Baha'u'llah, The Summons of the Lord of Hosts, p. 80)
People become vegan for different reasons.
1 - Some dont like the taste of meat
2 - Some do it for religious or spiritual reasons (not everyone is a Christian)
3 - Some believe it is more healthy and there is some evidence though it has it detractors
4 - They have a moral problem with eating animals.
I am a meat eater, but I have meat free days sometimes. Just to eat veggies. I know people from each category above.
I'm not a vegetarian (that would be a crime in my profession!) so I can't answer why but I always wonder as well. Last night I was on here and a girl asked if she was a "true" vegan because she has a pet bird... and she felt that having a pet would make her less of a vegan... weird, huh? I said no, as long as you don't eat the bird!
Look, not every religious figures eat meat, for example the swamis (Indian leaders usually related to Yoga) they don't eat meat, first because they don't want to harm any living creature, second because there are some things in the meat that will make you lose your flexibility and will cause you some problems when you get old, third because protein (meat) can be replaced with some grains like lentil.
And about humans eating meat since the bennings of the time, well you have to remember that in the past men usually chase because that was the only way of living.