Where can I buy MSG? I am in Lanarkshire, Scotland, and have access to Asda, Tesco, Morrisons etc.?!
Thanks :)
Answers: I need it for one particular recipe and wish to know where about I can buy it. I don't drive and the nearest chinese supermarket is about an hour's worth of travel away. Can I buy MSG in any supermarkets?
Thanks :)
I'm sorry I can't tell you where to get it in Lanarkshire but I bought some locally (East Anglia) and am very pleased with it. I lived in China for a couple of years and used it there and it does make an enormous difference to the taste of food. I know all about the health implications but am still using it as it makes such a difference. Good luck with your search. (I got mine in a Chinese supplies shop.)
I'm not sure if you can buy it in supermarkets. Maybe try using salt instead?
Also MSG is really bad for you! Don't do it! Make some brown rice with tomatoes and spinich and flavour it with garlic and natural herbs and spices.
I've never heard of it being sold in the supermarkets, but MSG is just a flavour enhancer anyway, and may be harmful to some people. Just use natural flavourings for your recipe instead.
That's really not a good idea. It's a neurotoxin. I'm sure your meal will be great without it.
Most of the foods these days contain M S G. Do not put extra in, use other flavours.
msg is only used to highten the taste of food, so try a bit of salt instead, most places have stopped using msg in there food now. dont ask me why, maybe thatl be another question.
Why would you want to, MSG is bad for health It gives you Alziemers disease.
MSG is sold in the USA under the brand Name Accent (or Ac'cent) - here's a website - http://www.bgfoods.com/accent/accent_pro...
You can probably find it with the meat tenderizer products, or you might find a product labelled a 'flavor enhancer' if you can't find the Accent brand.
Recently, people have been wigging out over MSG, saying it causes headaches, asthma attacks, etc. It is possible for this to happen in sensitive individuals, however, those individuals are kind of rare. Glutamate occurs naturally in other things as well, read about it here:
"This flavor enhancer, used for almost a century, is made by fermenting starch, corn, sugar beets, molasses, or sugar cane to free naturally occurring glutamate; sodium salts of glutamate are then created that can be used to make certain foods (mostly meat dishes) more intensely flavorful. Glutamate itself is a naturally occurring amino acid found in many protein-rich foods, including cheese, milk, meat, walnuts, and mushrooms. This amino acid is also produced by the body and used in metabolism." http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/2208....
A little extra salt would be an acceptable substitute, or perhaps soy sauce. If you can't find the MSG, you probably won't miss it much if you substitute.
you wont find it in the big stores, so you may need to take that long trip to the chinese store. it not very good for health, how about celery salt for the extra flavour, or garlic salt,