I get bad heart burn when i drink red whine,why is this?!
Answers: any help would be great,thanks
Red wine containd tannin. Tannin is the acid that lets red wine last for years, in some cases for decades.
Tannin is also used to treat leather to make shoes.
Its pretty powerful, and imagine what it can do to your stomach!
If you have a slight hiatus hernia, (the valve from the throat into the stomach is slightly ripped) then the acid wil reflux (heartburn).
You will find that the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety is worst. Stick to grenache, syrah, merlot grape varieties in your wine, and dont eat too much at one go, and avoid too much fatty food.
i get heart burn from alcohol too! ill watch this question and find out the answer for myself too lol thanks
It's probably something to do with the chemicals buddy!.....
Most red wine contains sulphides it might be these your re-acting to,try low or non sulphide wines. Worked for me.
because it's acidic.
wine's not good for you.
best you avoid it.
It's the tanens and sulfur in the wine.
i get this if i drink any fizzy alchohol or soda water. there is an ingrediant which is known to react badly with people and it usually has a tiny warning on the label.
i would get a warm pain starting in my chest and working upwards. even my neck would ache. wierd.
i cant remember the ingrediant though sorry. i called my bf and he cant either. lol
u may have an ulcer
That is why so many people drink white wine instead of red.
Red wine does tend to be acidic, but if you already have problems with heart burn or acid reflux, this problem will be exacerbated by anything you drink that is acidic. I would think it is definately a problem worth checking with your doctor, just in case, because it could be indicative of a stomache problem.
Something to do with the acid in the wine. But you know what the solution is - do not drink red wine - or drink it as a spritzer -drunk with something non alcoholic like water or lemonade.
if its not the tanning its because it might be heavy to digest, i dont drink red wine i always drink white its not so heavy to digest.
I don't know why !!! But.
I used to be the same, but now if i know I'll be drinking red i take a glass of milk a short while beforehand
could be a peptic ulcer aggravated by the alcohol i love red wine just be sure to follow the guide for choosing the right wine for the right meal
Yes they are all on the right tracks with acid and tannin, on the other hand I suffer with heart burn (coeliac <pronounced sealiack> disease) and take foliac acid tablets to combat it. It is always easier to say give someting up, but why not drop into your local surgery to see if they can give you a diagnosis,
hhmm... maybe its your body telling you u drink to much..
Sip it.