Is this a good day of eating.?!
Snack- Raisins
Lunch- Apple, Speical K bar and wheat toast
Snack- 40 caloire sugar free popcicle
Dinner- Lean chicken and brocoloi.
Answers: Breakfast- Kicks with skim milk
Snack- Raisins
Lunch- Apple, Speical K bar and wheat toast
Snack- 40 caloire sugar free popcicle
Dinner- Lean chicken and brocoloi.
It looks like it's too low on the calories. If your trying to loose weight, your body will think it's in starvation mode, then you may loose, but you will gain it back. It would be better if you add a little fruit with your cereal. Then have your raisins with about 10 almonds. For lunch, dump the special k bar(too many carbs) and have a small piece of turkey on 1 piece of bread with lettuce. For your afternoon snack, the Popsicle is good, but add some baby carrots or celery. Dinner is good, but add a salad too. For dessert, have some non fat yogurt with some berries. What I gave you is the basic biggest looser diet. It works great.
Breakfast the wite part of an egg with white bread (not toasted) and a glass of Orange juice!!!!
Snack- Raisins no not really how about grapes!!!!
Lunch-Panera Bread (its a restaurant)!!!!
Dinner- sounds great!!!!
that is a really healthy way of eating i wish my diet was more like yours. and eating 5 meals throgu the day if there healthy like yours is supposed to be a good thing to do loads of celebs do that. i hope you dont mind but i would like to maybe take some pointers and eat a healthy way like you. i am an overweight person and this would help me a lot
I think you should try a boiled egg and wheat toast w/orange slice for breakfast. You need a little more for breakfast. Also, for lunch I would leave off the Special K bar and replace it with tuna or canned white chicken(you need more protein) Everything else sounds good!
I Think you could be more balanced. If you added a bit more fruits and veggies it would be better. Add a fruit w/breakfast and a salad with lunch and dinner. You are getting no nutrition from the popcicle, maybe a yogart or lowfat sring cheese in its place.