Would you eat them?!
Answers: If there were some real cheap pies say 12p each but they were made out of animal Bi products would you eat them if you were skint or would you rather look in the bins
It is ironic that you ask, because many of the American fruit pies have animal products in them.
It would really depend on what the animal bi-products are.
I would imagine that you mean feces, as the entire animal is edible with the right preparation. If that were the case, then no.
If you mean fats, intestines, etc., likely not either, because I can't even stomach or think about Spam without feeling a little queasy. Potted Meat is just gross.
Oh, and "me speeks english," - he speaks The Queen's English, not what you are used to, so don't act ignorant if you don't understand. It makes Americans look even more stupid than they already do.
i would rather eat in the bins. I always do anyway. No change for me. lmao soz
I think you would be afraid to read a lot of the labels of foods we eat (here and in the UK). Many are made with animal by-products. Sausages in particular. If they don't smell off; then would rather eat those than binned food.
im sorry i dont understand lol
Nah, I'd just eat potatoes.
Potatoes for the win!
I would eat them or go to the Salvation Army for a meal. I wouldn't eat anything from a bin.
me speeks english only!
I dont like pies, so no.
there are food products like that out there. you dont waste anything when your food is real rare or difficult to get like crab or snake and even if you are using the extra parts of the animal to feed other animals like cat food. i smells ok and real rich with protems and vitumens but i wouldnt make a diet out of cat food. the cast of any food is in the shipping or transport to keep food cold the hole time or you pay for the package to keep it fresh
cuz i cant understand....
?im sorry,too?
I wouldn't eat the pie no matter how skint I was. I would go buy vegetables and not do the bin diving.
No way
wanna ask that question to the starving millions?
would never eat them