Has anyone seen my mars bar?!
Answers: I was sitting here all alone eating a mars, and I put it down to answer a question. I have not moved from the spot but my mars is nowhere to be seen, no wrapper nothing.
Someone once stole my mars bar from the fridge...I was so upset as I was really looking forward to it! I never found the culprit...somewhere out there is a mars bar theif! Maybe its the same person...
Its in a sticky mess behind the sofa,
im sorry it had to end like this :(
check between your a s s cheeks
i have got it yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ate it ta
Gaw, that must be annoying !
Try down the cushions!
Yup, must confess... it was me :-) I ate it!!!
up some hole, or in space, one or the other
Whoops. I might have it
Perhaps, like in a scene from "There's Something About Mary", it's stuck on your earlobe. Have you checked there yet?
underneath your foot?
I put it in the fridge. It was looking a bit squishy :-)
the dog ate it.
I ate it cant wait for another
i saw it on tv last time, they said they saw human like peeps walking on it!
oh sorry, it was yours? I thought it was 4 me
You have sat on it
has someone in your house taken it animals taken it
Yes, and I've eaten it.....thanks....it was very nice.
i am from the north, i sneaked in, took it, rushed back home and deep fried it. sorry about that, i didnt even give you a bit.
Maybe someone from your home got it. If you don't live with someone then someone sneaked in to grab it. If not, then your home pet or rat got it.
I bet aliens abducted it and took it back to Mars.