Why do some grocery stores try to get away with selling food that expired?!
Answers: And I'm not talking about day old baked goods from the bakery either..just the general merchandise in the aisles...I guess you really got to check those dates!
They are Money Hungry!!!!
There definitely should be grocery police....my town, which is super super small, has a store that I NEVER go to...everything always seems to be old...and it smells in there...I drive like 15 minutes to the next town just so I can get fresh food....
just bad management. the store I shop runs sales on the close to date expirations but never out of code. and yes there is a law against this too.
Sometimes it's overlooked, while other times it is a way to recoup the costs on the item (i.e., try to make a sale and play dumb if caught trying)
You bought $100 dollars worth of something to sell somewhere. Would you rather throw your money away... Or try to sell it to someone who may not care about said dates?
Because they are trying to save money at our expense and health.
I always check things like milk, Eggs & bread. Other stuff I do check but not that much. Seem they always are trying to sell milk with two days left on it.
I guess it happens almost everywhere.
I always check the dates on everything.
I never used to, years ago...but I do now.
Maybe understaffed, really there should be
no excuse for it.
I picked up a can, that was almost a year old,
use by date below. Truthfully, it frighten me.
I took it to the manager, He immediately
sorted the soups out and told me, he did not realize
this was happening.
To me, that was a weak excuse.
I shop there not very often....but look at the dates,
"spot check"....seem he has kept his word so far.