What cause adult male excrement (number 2) to be different colors? ie green, blue? what foods cause this?!
Stool colors
Answers: Here are some links..
Stool colors
hahahaha blue poop...you are an idiot haahahaha
strong colourings in food, ie, beetroot, can do this.
Have you been drinking juices/drinks such as Kool aid or juices with a lot of coloring? Certain candy can also do this. My kids have had many a "rainbow" number 2's.
Mischevious roommates.
Food or drinks can do it.
I had a slushy at a gas bar in Memphis (forgive me but it was 103 degrees) which resulted in a frightening turquoise BM.
I don't think this is applicable to adult males only.
I've been told lots of veggies can cause a green one. Color change is from stuff you can't digest coming out the other end still the same color. You'd probably have to eat dye directly, and most dyes won't cause the change.
blood in the stool will change the color as well as a heckuva Saint Patrick's Day party!