Do you like....milk?!
Answers: i don't drink and tell.........
i drink pee. SH!
Honestly, not much - i've always had trouble drinking it lol. I prefer to make hot cocoa. : )
Yes I do.
Ya, so?
very much
yea, that's basically the essential element that streightens bones and keeps teeth from getting black
Um, yes. I've got a northern-Euro digestive tract though. My FIL, who has an Asian digestive tract can only eat yogurt. Which is a pity, because he's a dairy farmer.
But I'm not milk-fixated. Canned fish with bones will work, and so will seaweed and other yummy sources of calcium. To tell you the truth, I feel a little guilty about drinking milk. It's got a bad rep as a calorie resource.
(-: Or are you not really talking about "milk" but ". . . milk"? If so, I have no clue.
I love milk.
I lopvee milk 0% thats only what ill drink
Milk as in what the cows make??
Yes yes yes.. I shall quote myself at age 8
"Milk and T.V is my life!"
And it still is = )
Good question amigo!
Yes but the more expensive brands really are better for my stomache. I eat a lot of cereal still and oatmeal and milk is great to cook with. Also milk makes the best hot cocoa!
Of course
it's like the only thing i drink
yes, 2% w/ ice in it, so its very cold ;)
No I hate milk. It tastes gross.
Hell no! Most black people don't it goes back to our ancestry. And it stinks...I wonder who first thought it would be a good idea to drink what comes out of the sack of a cow? Make ya think huh? lol
Yes, with cookies and cakes. It's good for you too.
yeah so much and i going to drink some now byyye
Yes, I love it especially chocolate milk. I like dairy products like ice cream, too.
i love milk but it tear me up if i drink it lol
Yes I do like milk, I drink it like once every meal.