Hate red meat!?!
Answers: i hate red meat and im finding myself to be very low in iron, iv tryed the iron tablets but i ither loose them, or just forget to take them. any suggestions to a iron filled meal????
I am a very poor eater and suffer from anaemia on and off. Iron capsules don't agree with me. My doctor told me to eat plenty of lentils and chick peas and spinach and stuff like that. Baked beans have iron too. I take a spoonful of molasses every morning . It tastes yuk but it is a very good source of Iron.
Greens!!! Spinach!!
cook in a cast iron when ever possible. Food will leech out some iron. Also, try Slim-Fast or other nutritous diet drink.
Pinto beans & green leafy vegatables.:)
leafy green veggies; dark green that, is like spinach & broccolli. If you don't like red meat eat some of those vegeratian fake meats like Quorn meat.
liver does not have to be red , spinach + other greens are good .