Can saltines act as laxatives?!
Answers: i've been eating a lot of them lately and, well let's just say, they're acting as a laxative.
I don't see how that could be possible as they are made mostly of sodium and carbohydrate and there is 6% iron in them and ferrous sulphate is more likely to bind you than act as a laxative..
I know if you eat enough of anything there will be an eventual output. I just checked there is only a 4% fibre content.
There could be another cause. Try not to eat the saltines for a couple of days and if the condition doesn't improve perhaps you should speak with your doctor.
Kind of odd, considering the amount of salt in them. I suppose it could be an unusual amount of fibre for you. What else have you been eating? I mean, I've sat and ate an entire sleeve of them in one sitting, and never developed soft stools.