What is your favorite brand of "salsa"?!
Answers: Newman's Own "hot", or Mrs. Renfro's Habanero for the brave!
some homemade mmmmmm salsa gonna eat some tonight
homemade if there's no time Herdez
Trader Joes makes the most amazing pineapple salsa =]
pace ummmm
Tostitos Medium
homemade for sure!
Difficult question as everyone likes their own thing. I like a little heat and my wife does not so we have compromised on Pace. I usually make my own if I have time and there are several great recipes on the net.
It is a store brand. Kroger, thick and chunky. I love it!
Van de Wals because it is really thick and a lot less expensive than nationally known brands
Pace is the best I think...great for cooking too! Just the right amount of seasoning too.
I like Pace medium salsa
I like Arriba Roasted Tomato, medium or mild salsa.
My homemade.:)
if i cant make it my self... its Pace or Ortega