Does eating your boogers have any health value?!
Answers: I understand it is gross but does it help your health? I have heard you bring more things into your system which helps your immune system become stronger.
sure it does. i only get sick once a year and that's because i skipped a booger here and there
cut it out ! find something else healthy to eat , you swallow enough of them while your sleeping !
Doctors at the Mario Clinic in Franz, New Mexico have determined that boogeroucious pelletious, commonly known as boogers, may actually contain all of the daily nutrients needed by the human body.
if you make your burger by ur self then it ould be halthy i can assure you this.
I don't care what any research says, that's disgusting. I get all the nutrients I need by cooking and eating healthy.
I highly doubt it. 'Boogers', as we call them, begin as liquid mucous. What happens is that germs become trapped in this sticky liquid, and the liquid then forms a 'ball' around them and hardens. An abundance of 'boogers' means that your nose is doing its job, and doing it well.
Keep in mind that eating 'boogers' means you're eating germs.
I don't know about the health value, but as your fiance...It is sick!
Thats disgusting, EATING YOUR OWN WASTE??
Sound healthy?
This is this most carzy question ive ever heard you shoulldn't be eating bugers in the first place but on the other hand no it does not have any health value at all.
no, your booger is made of the mucus in your nose which is there so that the air you breath in is dust free, so your boogers have alot of dust and other gross stuff in it, not just mucus, don't eat them!
Boogers con Vino: First, marinate your boogers in a good red wine. Sautee marinated boogers with olive oil, shallots, carrots, celery, and a sprig or rosemary over medium heat until translucent ! As an alternative, Mushroom and Garlic flavored Boogers are simply delicious. Eat as is, or as a side dish with your favorite "Fecal Matter Supreme". For desert, I highly recommend Pee Pee Sorbet.
no. no. i don't think that's how it works. the stuff that comes out is not supposed to go back in.
GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 3 year old must be very healthy cause I cant get him to stop eating them.