After paying the extra medical bills from eating junk food, isn't it cheaper to eat healthy food so you won't-!
Answers: need to go to the doctor every week by the time you reach 40.
Well, if people took the time to educate themselves, they would realize that items like corn syrup and sodium benzoate have been directly linked to diabetes and high blood pressure.
Though people in general are quite self-serving and will cut corners to suit their needs. If doing something to save humanity meant taking an hour out of their time to simply write and send a letter, they would put it off for the football game, shopping, etc., because they could do it later.
No one realizes that "later" often turns into never, and then they wonder why they are screwed left and right by life.
We are too egocentric to value things like higher taxes to take care of our kids in school, they want lower taxes, so they can get their refund and buy more crap.
It's cheaper and easier to buy all the cheap products at arms reach, perfectly marketed for grab-n-go, rather than read labels and buy things that are good for them.
If 1 obese person cut ALL corn syrup out of their diet - they still ate regular sugar, they could potentially lose 50 pounds with no additional exercise or other diet change.
I did so and lost 80 pounds in a year.
So, in essence - ignorance is bliss.
You know what? I think it all depends on your genes. I have a less healthy lifestyle than a lot of people that I work with, and also am older, but I am sick a LOT less than some of them. In fact less than most of them. And yes, I am over 40, and I go to the doctor about once or twice a year.