What's your favorite coffee flavor, brand?!
Answers: I LOVE Foldger's. It is the perfect blend for my morning coffe. I make is strong though. I use 1/3c per every 3 cups I brew. I have also found those "Flavor Accents" by Spenda! The Hazelnut is the bomb! My husband likes the Mocha too. Add a little cream and your morning coffee tastes like an expensive latte.
After going to Hawaii, I am now stuck on Kona coffee!
I love Starbucks beans.
I love their Columbian. I've been drinking their monthly flavor, Cafe Casi or something like that, and I love it.
My favorite Starbucks beans has to be the Christmas blend. It's so good!
I like a French or Vienna Coffee about twice a year... but mostly I just enjoy tea.
the classic "kapeng barako" from Batangas, Philippines
Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. Too expensive though in the UK
I Love Starbucks!!!!! Thanks Magic Johnson
Starbucks breakfast blend whole beans.
I love Green Mountain French Vanilla Decaf
Gloria Jean's Coconut Creme beans :)