F Someone Ate A Piece Of Cake You Baked Without Your Permission..?!
a) Deny him the cake at the party and say that he isn't allowed to eat it.
b) Mash the cake in his face and clothes and make him walk outside.
c) Tie him to a chair and force feed him the entire thing lol
Answers: My room mate and I had baked a cake for a party and we have a friend of ours visiting. We specifically told him not to touch the cake that it wasn't for us but he ate a piece of it when we were out. So what should the appropriate punishment be?
a) Deny him the cake at the party and say that he isn't allowed to eat it.
b) Mash the cake in his face and clothes and make him walk outside.
c) Tie him to a chair and force feed him the entire thing lol
Put a powerful laxitive in the cake you already baked. Bake a new cake and tell him that he can have the cake that he already ate part of. Then after he has eaten a few peices and is on the toilet, you throw the rest of it in his face.
Make him bake you a new cake.
a - if he is that desperate to eat it when you said no then he should be made to watch everyone else enjoy it!!
what is he a child? cant he understand clear simple instructions?
dont bring him t the party
What's done is done, punishment will not make the cake whole again. Time to bake another cake. You can all enjoy the first one now without any worries.