Can you burn tea with water that is too hot?!
Answers: I have heard for green tea you want the water around 200 degress, is that a legend? Are all teas that way?
If you use too hot a temperature water on White and Green tea leaves you can scaled the leaves and when you scaled the leaves your tea can taste bitter. Rule of thumb is 155 - 180 degrees for White and Green tea. Boiling for Black, Rooibos, and Herbal Teas. There are a couple ways to determine if your water is around 180 degrees. One way is to purchase a meat thermometer and measure the temperature of the water. The other way is to stop the water when it starts to bubble but the bubbles are not breaking the surface. You may also hear your water kettle start to sizzle on the bottom, when you hear this, it is around 180 degrees. If you boiled your water, let it sit for 5-8 minutes to cool before pouring on the tea leaves.
how can you burn something with water? that makes no sense. the tea will absorb the heat and the water.
i dont think you can burn tea with water too hot, and i dont know if that's a legend of not sorry :[
I know you should bring it to the boil, then let it stand for a couple of minutes before pouring.
Green tea could be different.
Yes. For green tea you should use barely simmering water otherwise the leaves will burn and give a different taste. Not all teas are that way just the ones where you have to put the leaves or blossoms in with the water.
If you want to be a purist (and it tastes better that way!), white tea should be brewed around 60 degrees, green 60-70, oolong 70-85, black (and most tea bags) 90-100. Celsius for all temps. If you get teas loose instead of in bags, you can really taste the difference between a 70 degree and 100 degree green, for instance, the latter being much too bitter.