What does goat cheese taste like?!
Answers: Is it like Feta? I found a pizza recipe I want to try that calls for crumbled goat cheese. I'm not sure I can even find that. I live in a small town and we don't have Whole Foods and all that. I know I've seen crumbled feta cheese in the deli section. I could have sworn I saw goat cheese at Kroger, but I don't even know I'd WANT to try it. I read on another thread that it has a sour taste. Can I reasonably sub in something else for it? Is it a lot like feta? Feta is kinda more of a bittery taste than sour, but I like it.
Goat cheese is kinda like cream cheese, but firmer and a bit tangy, very delicious. It is great on salads and I would imagine it's great on pizza too. Most grocery stores have an "international" cheese island and it's becoming more popular so you should be able to find it. The packages can be small, so just look well, or ask if they carry it.
It's salty and so freaking good. Don't put feta on the pizza.
It tastes like normal cheese, swiss/chedder kinda.
bad just like goat milk...well it depends on what your tastes are like but personally i don't like it
It's kind of tangy/tart. I love it. I've had it on baked chicken before.
goat cheese is very good. It's hard to describe the taste. Just try it!
A lot like feta as feta is made from goat and sheep's milk.
If you like feta, you'll like goat cheese. It's a fabulous pizza topping.
There are different types of goat cheese. Buy different kinds and try them out. Its very good and doesn't have a sour taste.
it's good just don't put Velvet on pizza
I have been a deli mgr for 15 years......... and previous a rest. mgr. The taste profile is similiar,,,, but, If you want the finest Blue cheese .. try A cave ripened cheese from Newton, Ia. Maytag.... I sell it for $11.79 lb. 45% PROFIT. It is the best.....
yes like feta very good
Like stinky snot. Smells BAD TOO!!! The only thing worse is sheep cheese! I have to leave the house NOT JUST A ROOM! UGH!!!!
delicious, its has a citrus kind of flavour like it is flavoured with lemon juice. ITs very clean tasting and rich so you cant eat much of it. I like to have it on a piece of rye toast, with avocado, lime juices, good quality olive oil and lots of pepper. Rub the toast with garlic first.