Please answer immediately - Left out sealed ground turkey to thaw too long - is it ok?!
Is it still ok to cook and eat?
It's in a sealed container - the kind you get from the grocery store with the foam tray and plastic wrap.
Answers: Ground turkey was set out on the counter at room temperature to thaw for 12 hours.
Is it still ok to cook and eat?
It's in a sealed container - the kind you get from the grocery store with the foam tray and plastic wrap.
I wouldn't trust it. If you want to try it, SMELL it first, if it smells ok then go ahead and cook it to 165F. Good luck. Personally I'd throw it out and buy new.
I know people who would still eat it. But I say no! Meat should never be left out to thaw. Use the fridge for thawing.
id check the smell first..if it smells bad throw it away. i have left chopped meat(beef) out for that long and it was fine and nobody ot sick from it..just use your better judgement if ur not comfortable with the look or smell of the meat dont use it
NO.................please.............ev... if it smells alright, don't even put yourself or your loved ones at risk. Ground Turkey is relatively inexpensive in certain parts of the country, so it's better to be "safe than sorry". Even when put on the counter when frozen and you're living in the coldest part of the country, please discard this package.
Sorry, Renee
Open it and smell it. If it doesn't smell rank or moldy, it's still good. If you left it out for more than two days, though, be careful.
Other than that, it should be fine.
Its probably fine 99% just cook it well and clean anything the raw meat or juices touch.
I wouldn't! Better safe than sorry!!!
What was the temperature of the room it was thawed in? If the room was cool it will be okay, just cook it thoroughly.