Have you ever put a paper party desert plate in the microwave?!
Answers: I did that by accident yesterday. I thought that if I heated something up on it instead of using dishes my parents wouldn't have had to wash another dish. Don't do it! It will burst into flames!
I don't understand why. I put paper plates in the microwave all the time. Was it decorated with some type of shiny aluminum or something?
Ok and your question is...?
I have never tried it for good reason.
If it's really paper it should be fine. But if it's plastic or styrofoam then yeah, not smart to microwave that.
everyone knows not to put those types of things in the microwave!! shouldnt you be in school?
I haven't done that but my son created a small fire with microwave popcorn a few years back so yup those micros can be dangerous(he nuked it too long)
added- everyone in ny and pa are off today. major ice storm my county is completely shut down now. I am just waiting for the power to go out. thank goodness i haven't done my weekly shopping yet(in case electric goes off). I have enough for a couple days should be ok.